Monday, July 28, 2008

To Blog or Not To Blog

So I've been getting a lot of questions lately about my blogging...or more specifically the lack thereof. So I have decided to give it a try. I feel like blogging is primarily for those who are showing off the fruits of their loins and if you don't have fruits you better at least be funny. So I have created this inordinate amount of pressure to make sure that I entertain the masses (who am I kidding, the 2 people that may read this) with my rantings and thoughts.

The other potential concern about blogging is that I lead a very simple life and have very little to say. However, I do like to type. More so than the actual content of things written, I like the sound of the key board.

So I'm going to give blogging a go, knowing full well it is scary, uncharted territory. Brace we go!


Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

Hooray! Blogs aren't always the best thing--they are tricky. But you know you don't need kids to tell about life! And one person's little "simple" thing is another person's epiphany.

I'm so glad to get to hear from you.

Love you, Sand.

Kim said...

Sandy, Do you know about the lists feature? You can create lists and survey your readers.
I will be awaiting a top ten list of some kind very soon!
I will do the same on my blog so keep watching!
Thanks for the heads up on your blog and stay away from cocaine pie! (or at least share it with your boss-that will keep you out of trouble)

Megan Campbell Carter said...

YAY for starting a blog! They are mostly fun...unless people keep posting about their kids. That can get old.