I'm such a slacker. I think it's primarily because I have been busy but have also not felt like I've done much that is really postworthy...unless you count growing a baby. But I once promised not to make this blog all about my pregnancy. And I'm trying to stick to that~mostly.
So, a quick update about our past month.
Jacob and I have both been busy with our callings, he with the 11 year old scouts and me with the Beehives.
We have devoted some of our free time, but maybe not enough, to cleaning our garage. After a year of living here it was in need of a good overhaul. But I must confess, it is still not completely done. It's on the schedule for tonight though, so wish us luck.
We went to a rodeo. I've only been once before and while I did really enjoy it, I still find it slightly disturbing. They claim to be very animal friendly, but I saw one calf that didn't seem too okay after he was roped. And the injuries in the bronco and bull riding! Yikes. I always feel a little badly when things are more exciting because some one is getting hurt. It's the same with hockey...but I digress.
Jacob and I have both also recently been studying. Nope, neither of us are in school. We just love learning that much! Okay...maybe not totally true. I'm working on preparing for my LCSW license test as it is one of the big "to do's" before this baby arrives. And Jacob has been brushing up on his mad engineering skills for possible future job opportunities. That is also why we procured this snazzy get up and Jacob enjoyed a "day off" from his regular employment to interview with a different company.
Wish us luck! He really wants the job. And I want him to be happy. Plus...doesn't he clean up well?!? I think so.
And of course, I have been getting bigger. I think about 50% of our ward still doesn't really know I'm pregnant. And no one ever suspects that I have just 9 weeks left. But there is one person who is keenly aware of that fact.
That person is me. Can you sense my anxiety?! I feel so unprepared for this kids arrival.
And just 'cuz, here's a tomato.
We grew four different varieties this year. This is my personal favorite. They are an heirloom tomato called "black krim" and they are tasty! Funny looking buggers though.