Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Christmas and a New Year

Christmas Eve was pretty awesome at my house.  I was even a little teary at one point.  This was the first year Isaac wanted to act out the nativity.  It was so sweat.

I know this one is blurry but they were both getting close to kiss the baby Jesus.  How adorable.

And then we opened some gifts.  The boys got their usual pjs with a bonus addition of slippers.  They thought they were pretty cool.

Oh man.  This might be too much cuteness for any one to handle.  The pants on these pjs are soooo big.  I'm not sure why when the sizes are right for the kids.  Seriously, like 4 inches too long.  I might have to cut them off or something.

And this is what our house looked like before we went to bed.

And then the next morning this is what we enjoyed.  The boys were full of happiness.  At least until Ben decided he wanted everything Isaac got.  Isaac was a champ about it all.  He was so kind to share his most favorite toys.  

This is funny.  Santa brought us a little mini vacuum.  Ben got to open it and I'm pretty sure he thinks it's his.  He keeps saying "my vacuum."  And I'm mostly pretty happy to let him use it whenever he wants.

This set of photos is awesome.  Ben was playing with his most favorite blower while walking in those extra long pants over the new sled.  I caught the trip and fall on camera, at the best moment ever!

Ha!  He was fine.  No tears.

Isaac loves his learning laptop.  Now he's just like daddy.

I asked them to choose their favorite toy and stand in front of the tree for some pictures.  Ben grabbed Isaac's laptop. I said, it was a bit of a rough day.  He does love the blower though.

I also thought these superhero capes Grandma Brunson made were adorable.  The boys really like them too.  They have little pockets in them to store their cell phone communicator devices and laser.

And then the next day or two we got some use out of that new sled.  It was so fun to have snow falling all Christmas day.  

This is Ben.  He learned this from Isaac.  Lay down face first and eat.  Jacob hates it when they do this.  I think it's weird but I don't hate it.

Isaac loved sledding.  Ben liked it.  They both liked it better with Dad.

And then there was New Years Eve.  We ate by candle light with the boys and then had a rockin' dance party.  And then we said "Happy New Year!" and sent the kids to bed.  After the kids were asleep we had some friends over, the Van Shaar family and our new neighbors the Kackstaeters.  It was a lot of fun! And I even made it to midnight.  That is a miracle!

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