Monday, April 8, 2013

4 Months Old

Ben is pretty awesome.  He continues to be pretty easy going and definitely a happy boy.  He smiles and laughs all the time.  His chunky little thighs are about as cute as can be.  And I really can't stop kissing his cheeks.  They are oh so kissable.

Have I mentioned he has found his toes.  It's his new favorite thing.  Unfortunately, it does sometimes get in the way of his sleeping.  Those toes are just too fun to play with.  Especially at 2 am. 

And he still LOVES his brother.  Maybe better than any of the rest of us.

He is strong and grabby too.

He still rolls from tummy to back but has not mastered the back to stomach roll.  I think he's capable, he just hasn't realized it yet.

We sure love having this sweet, mellow babe in our home.  He gets more fun and cute by the day.
Here's the 4 month comparisons.  It looks much better if you click to make it bigger.
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Mary Ann said...

Ben is definitely a cutie! I love the pic of Isaac trying to get away from grabby Ben. :) Oh, and I love the flowers. Daisies are my fave.

Jason&Shannon said...

He is changing, I love seeing the pics of all four months together. Isaac's hair looks shorter, did he get a buzz recently?

MaryAnn said...

Such a cutie. Can't wait till I get to meet him in person


So cute! Love that chevron blanket, too!

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

Cuteness that keeps getting cuter! Speaking of playing with toes, last night Rhys was up in the night practicing making kissing sounds with his lips. He thought it was so cute. We did, too, but we just wished he would have got that urge in a little earlier in the day. The exasperating cuteness of it all!