Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wanna See Something Creepy

This little (or should I say moderately sized) guy was hanging out on our outdoor light fixture. He creeped me out so I thought I'd share. I must have some sort of fascination, a love/hate relationship of sorts, with spiders because this is the second time I've taken pictures of the creepy crawly creatures and blogged them.

Yeah, I'm a weirdy.

But the webs are cool and the bug themselves are kind of awesome too. But only from a distance. Please don't fall on me or crawl up my leg. And if you keep your distance, I will usually keep mine. Otherwise prepare for the vacuum or the shoe.

It's only fair.
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Barbara said...

You must have been up close and personal for this "little" guy to look so big!!

Mary Ann said...

Yuck! Spiders totally creep me out! I even sing "The Itsy-Bitsy Ladybug" instead of "spider" to Hannah. Scott thinks I'm a weirdy when I say that spiders (and most other bugs) have no right to come near me or inside my home. I promptly kill them all. Absolutely no mercy!

MaryAnn said...

I hate spiders - they totally creep me out. That one is nasty.

Jason&Shannon said...

There is a spider on inside of my garage door that builds one of those funnel webs,and then hides kindof in the narrow end of the the metal of the door. I keep an eye one him everytime I open or close the door. However, he (no spider shes...much too ugly to be a she) eats a lot of bugs and other spiders and I don't want to mess with his web and risk having him get on me in the process, and so so far he stays and I keep my eye on him as I walk under the door. I am very glad to not live in Alabama for many reasons, but probably top on the list would be the amount of spiders and other creepy bugs. Virginia is bad too, but seems slightly less.