Saturday, January 21, 2012


Isaac loves to help in the kitchen. Most of the time these days the only way I can get dinner made is by finding a safe place to put a chair for him to stand on. I love it most of the time though sometimes it just makes getting things ready more difficult. I guess having him happy and in one spot is better than whining and constantly under my feet with pots and pans and bowls and cutting boards strewn about.
Plus, he's a really cute little helper.

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Emily said...

That's awesome! He needs to teach Ansley how to hold still and help. :)

Mary Ann said...

Super cute! Maybe you have a chef in the making. :)

Jason&Shannon said...

I do love that stage where they want to help with all chores. It does make it slower, but eventually the novelty wears off (less so with cooking than with dishes/sweeping/etc) and then it is hard to get anyone to help. Aubrey still likes to help cook, dust, and mop. Other chores not as much. She is funny, everytime she wants to help cook she has to put on her apron mom made. Maybe Isaac needs his own apron too.