Thursday, May 24, 2012

Water Fun

The other day Isaac and I were hanging out in our front yard.  I had my water bottle and his water cup out with us to keep us fully hydrated while enjoying the warm day.  After my water was gone Isaac decided to play with my water bottle.  He was quickly disappointed by the lack of water remaining.  So he handed me my empty bottle and then his full cup.  He tried unscrewing the lid off his cup while I held it but couldn't do it.  So I unscrewed it for him and he proceeded to dump the water from his cup into my water bottle.  He was pretty successful even.  Then he began drinking the water.  He loves drinking from a regular cup these days.  Unfortunately he hasn't quite mastered the task and certainly not from a bottle with a lip.  So, much of the water made it's way to his shirt.  He kept pointing at it and saying "wet, wet."  I think he was concerned about it.  Before long the water was gone.  I told him we'd go inside and I'd refill it.  But then I decided if he was getting wet we may as well go all out.  It was warm after all.

So I busted out the swim clothes and the hose in the back yard.

Then I traded the sprayer for the sprinkler head and things got really interesting.

He loved it.  But he was also really funny.  The water was really cold and he'd get his head wet and then kind of gasp and then laugh.  

I did finally pull him away because I could see him shivering.  I probably should have put the sprinkler in the full sun instead of the shade.  He gave me a cheesey grin and then had the following reaction when I asked him if we should turn the water off.

He was in the middle of saying "no, no, no."   But I do think he appreciated wrapping up in a warm towel.
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MaryAnn said...

So cute. He needs to come to Vegas. There is no sprinkler that is cold enough to make you shiver in 110 degree weather.

Emily said...

What a little cutie! Great pictures. :)!

Jason&Shannon said...

Love his swim gear and he is super funny and cute. Wish you had some video footage of the experience. Does Jacob still post video on his blog? I haven't checked it in ages.

Sarah and AJ said...

Haha! Brave kid!