Sunday, June 24, 2012

So Faithful

Funny story:

We have a pretty solid routine for Isaac's bedtime around this house.  Yesterday, when it came time for saying prayers, Isaac headed for his open closet instead of the usual zone for kneeling.  Jacob followed him and I watched him from my already kneeling position on the floor.  I saw Isaac bend over his laundry basket and heard him say something and then stand up.  I thought I heard an "amen" but wasn't sure until I saw Jacob helping Isaac out of the closet laughing.  We said our prayer and continued with the routine.  And then Jacob and I had a really good laugh at how righteous our 18 month old is.

He was praying in his closet after all.


MaryAnn said...

So cute!

Jason&Shannon said...

That is all to funny, and too righteous all right. Have you been reading that scripture lately?