Monday, October 15, 2012

Cousins, Constructing and Fall Fun

This post is going to be a bit random, as most of my posts are these days.  It seems I don't pull pictures off my camera nearly as often as I used to.  And just now I realized I've missed some from another camera and will have to do another post another day.  Oh well.

The past few weeks I've let Isaac play the organ while I usually am fixing dinner.  It's good for all of us since I can cook a little more easily with him out of the kitchen and he thinks he's a concert musician.  It really is fun to watch him though.  He'll play on the keys for a little bit and then jump up to turn the pages in the children's hymn book to play a new song.  And if I'm really lucky he'll sing along while he plays "I am a Child of God."  And trust me when I say that it is the most adorable thing ever.

We recently enjoyed a visit from John, Megan and Logan.  It was so fun to meet my nephew and spend some time with their family.  Isaac loved Logan and I think the feeling was mutual.

I love Logan's face in this picture.  He was sometimes a little annoyed with Isaac cutting into his space.  I can't say I blame him.

The other pictures of their trip out here are on the other camera.  Check back later for those.  :)  But I think one of my favorite things between these two cousins was watching Isaac play "peek a boo" with a towel and Logan laughing so hard at him.  It was cute.

I just needed a picture of Isaac in his new BYU shirt (thanks Grandma Carter!) and couldn't resist with the olives on his fingers.  He loves olives.  Especially when he can eat them off his fingers.

And then today...

Jacob claims these overalls were the only pants in Isaac's drawer, but I'm pretty sure there was another option somewhere.  But, Isaac would wear these every day if I let him.  I bought them at a used kids sale and picked them up for his Halloween costume.  I had to take some pictures when he started digging in the dirt though.  Especially when he insisted on his dump truck.  This kid and all things construction...he kills me.!

Come on!  How cute is he so intent on his dirt.  So cute!
And can you believe he will be two in just under two weeks?  I cannot.  But I am gearing up for building a construction cake for this little construction man.

And just because I looked up from cooking dinner to see this lovely sight, I had to bust out the camera again.  I just love the fall!

There you have it.  You are caught up on life in the Brunson household these days.  Aside from the pending arrival of baby number two anyway!


Emily said...

Love the pictures! You totally have to get a video of him singing and playing. :) I love fall! So do you have any organ playing tips for me?

MaryAnn said...

I love the little construction man! So cute! Can't wait to see his construction cake.

Mary Ann said...

That's one adorable construction-loving boy!

Jason&Shannon said...

Love the fall colors that are coming out here too. I love that nephew of mine even more, too bad he isn't closer. Looks like he had fun with Logan and I am lookin forward to the pictures of them on the other camera! Have fun.

Unknown said...

Loved reading this, your boy is super cute!

Megan Campbell Carter said...

So cute! I know Logan loved being there. I haven't dumped our camera yet either, but I will do so and make some post. I think I even have a video of them playing peek a boo!

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

Beautiful fall picture! Doesn't it just make you feel so blessed when you see sights like that? And this post reminds me that I need to give you some of my top construction-related picture books. When I get back to work in a week I'll treat it as a reference question and be really thorough. For now, I'll say he might like the mostly wordless picture books by Peter Sis that have a boy playing with different transportation vehicles. Talking about the pictures while you read is great for having fun conversations and building vocabulary.