Sunday, October 21, 2012

Who Doesn't Love a Pumpkin Patch?

We all know I love the Fall.  And I love a good pumpkin patch experience.  We tried to go to a new one when John and Megan were visiting but got rained out.  Last year we went to one that neither Jacob or I were that impressed by.  The good news was we grew pumpkins last year so we were mostly just going for some photo ops with Isaac.  The two years before that we've just gone to one of the local garden centers to pick out a couple pumpkins because they sent a buy one get one coupon in the mail and that is most certainly how we roll.

So when a friend of mine in the ward invited us to go with she and her youngest three children last Thursday I jumped at the chance.  Apparently the elementary school was out due to parent teacher conferences or something like that.  So I packed Isaac up and told him we were going with the VanShars to a pumpkin patch.  I'm pretty sure I could have stopped at "going with the VanShars" and he would have been pleased as punch.  He loves their family.  But he was even more thrilled about pumpkins.  He gets excited every time he sees them at the grocery store.

This pumpkin patch turned out to be the real deal.  And I may never try another patch again.  It's a family owned farm and you do get to go out in the field and pick your own pumpkins.  We didn't do that Thursday...but later we did.  They also sell farm animals, eggs, and other produce.  They had a little area the kids could play in a hay maze, lots of places for photos, a play ground, other fun toys.  And all that was free. They charged a buck for a hay ride and 5 bucks for a small corn maze.  Those are the best prices I've seen.  I was sold!!!

Our first stop was to visit the animals.  Isaac loved watching the chickens and maybe chasing them a little too.

And as he watched the pig he kept saying "oink."  It was really cute.  He even got brave enough to touch the pig and the sheep.  I was impressed.

These are the cute VanShar children and Isaac.  They are patient with Isaac as he is VERY in their space and wanting to be right by them all the time.

I could not get a picture of Isaac looking at me.  He was way to busy looking at the tractors and people and all the excitement.

Isaac especially likes this VanShar child.  She is 4 and he wants to do everything she does.  Joanna, on the other hand, is kind of shy and reserved and takes a while to warm up to Isaac.  And sometimes just wants him to leave her alone.  Poor, pestered Joanna.

And because we had such a good time with the VanShars on Thursday we decided to bring Jacob and came back on Friday afternoon to actually pick our pumpkins.  More photos of that to come!
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MaryAnn said...

So fun! I wish we had a good pumpkin patch like that around here. My choices are the Gilcrease orchard, which grows pumpkins and I think has a maze (which is an okay choice but no animals or hayrides or anything like that) or the ripe off "pumpkin patch"/carnival thing that they set up near my Wal-Mart that the kids always beg to go to and I have never taken them because it costs so much.

Mary Ann said...

Looks like a fun pumpkin patch! I love that last picture of Isaac poking his happy head through the wooden pumpkin. :)

Emily said...

So fun!! There are few things cuter than adorable children with pumpkins; so few I can't think of one right now.

Jason&Shannon said...

We found a pumpkin patch here that was a similar set up as the one you were at. It was at a real dairy farm with chickens and pigs and sheep. I was so mad I forgot my camera. I thought of bringing it twice, and still left the house without it. Oh well, maybe next year. I am looking forward to more pictures of your cute pumpkin with the pumpkins!!