Saturday, April 20, 2013


There will have to be a part two of this post when I get some time to upload photos.  For now this will have to suffice.

Isaac is full of mischief.  Non-stop, all day long trouble.  Mostly in a cute, normal two-year old way and sometimes in the annoying, normal two-year old way.

Isaac gets "quiet time" every day.  Some days he actually naps, and that is fantastic, and other days not so much.  Most of the time on his napping days he falls asleep calmly in his bed after several minutes of mischief and play.  Sometimes he falls asleep less calmly.  I love these pictures.  He often pulls his mattress off his box springs to make a slide.


Such a worried sleeper.  I wonder what he's dreaming of as he naps.

 He also usually empties all his toys and throws all the books in his room on the floor (I've limited the number after cleaning up books more than I wanted too).  Let's just say that quiet time is a relative term.

Isaac was recently gifted finger paints.  He made such a huge mess that I ended up throwing whatever paint was left over away.  But he did have a fun time.  Too bad he got finger paint all over himself regardless of the full coverage bib.  And then let's not forget the paint that was smeared on me as I was trying to clean him up.  Most of it washed out...except the red paint.  Oh well.

I have many more mischievous pictures to come.  And just to add to the crazy in our house, Ben rolls from back to stomach now and figured out VERY quickly that he could roll across the room to whatever objects he wants (he's only 4 and a half months old...isn't this way too early for this much mobility?).  And there are usually a lot of "fun" toys left about by the tornado of Isaac.  No wonder I'm spent by 9pm and usually end up falling asleep watching tv.  My days of productivity after bedtime are long gone.  Sure do love my energetic boys!

Stay tuned for more Brunson shenanigans!


Jason&Shannon said...

I empathize with your energy low by 9pm. Not any more, but 5 years ago or so was in the same boat. Love the michievous phase, but also glad we have moved on to the more calm phase.

Mary Ann said...

I love the bed slide! At first I thought Isaac was fake-sleeping with that look on his face. He must be dreaming about something intense. Good luck with 2 mobile kids! Sounds extremely exhausting!!

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

Wow! Already doing the commando rolling. What smart guy! But hard on mom! Kids just need to be messy. That's why it is great when they can go outside and just get covered in whatever and all you have to do is hose them down afterwards. The rest of the year, when it's too cold, is hard. I love that picture of Isaac sleeping, too! So earnest!

scott said...

I love the slide, pretty funny