This month is flying by! I can't believe we are so close to the beginning of September. This has been a busy month with church callings and such but I don't have much to show for it. What I have are just a few pictures, most of them taken this past week. It's sad really.
Let's start with a few photos from a week or so ago. Ben has really taken to playing in the kitchen, sometimes when I'm in there cooking, and sometimes just randomly. I love it when he plays like that while I cook. Because if he isn't content playing he wants to be held. He is starting to want to be held a lot more. I don't always love that. Especially when I'm cooking.
But, he realized he could put these bowls on his head. It was hilarious! He'd put it on and take it off and laugh and laugh. So cute. He laughs a lot and I think it's adorable every time. He laughs at almost anything Isaac does or that Isaac thinks is funny. Man does this kid LOVE his big brother.
Let's start with a few photos from a week or so ago. Ben has really taken to playing in the kitchen, sometimes when I'm in there cooking, and sometimes just randomly. I love it when he plays like that while I cook. Because if he isn't content playing he wants to be held. He is starting to want to be held a lot more. I don't always love that. Especially when I'm cooking.
But, he realized he could put these bowls on his head. It was hilarious! He'd put it on and take it off and laugh and laugh. So cute. He laughs a lot and I think it's adorable every time. He laughs at almost anything Isaac does or that Isaac thinks is funny. Man does this kid LOVE his big brother.
Speaking of big brother...We've had a pretty up and down sort of week. We started up potty training again. Isaac had a rough start (and I was determined not to lose it on him so I was completely frustrated and low patience in every other aspect of my life) but he's doing much better now. We are still not totally accident free every day, more like somewhere between one or three accidents a day, but progress is progress. I however, have learned something about myself. I'm not a good mother for potty training. It makes me crazy. Not so much the messes (yes, I don't like cleaning up pee and poo as much as the next person) but I hate the constant talking about potty things and cheering for every successful potty trip. It's exhausting being that enthusiastic all day long. It's just not me. And I'm a stress case (go figure). I stress about taking him places. I stress about eventually weaning him off the potty treats (I've asked him what we will do when the potty treat bag is empty and he either says we'll get more or he'll go back to diapers. I'm pretty sure neither of those things are happening and I don't look forward to the backlash from this all too smart toddler. I fear he's going to revert back to accidents all the time. I'm just not sure how to help him be more intrinsically motivated. Thoughts?) This potty training business is not for me! It is making me think two children is enough.
And, to top it off, Isaac decided to get a little exploratory with his scissors this week. Ben's hair took a little snip but Isaac's took more than a little. I was feeding Ben and didn't notice what Isaac was doing until the damage was done. It's awesome.
Before the shave:
In case you can't tell, he was definitely not rewarded with a sucker. He is listening to music on the ipod. Sometimes when I need him to chill out and calm down I let him listen to a little music. It works for a few minutes at least. He keeps asking to use scissors. I tell him to feel his hair and gently remind him he is banned from scissors for a while.
My Isaac boy can be so creative. He lined all his clean underwear up to make a train. Ben wanted to play too but most of the time the response is a loud "No Ben! Stay away from my (insert toy of the minute here)! Noooooo!" Perhaps that is why Ben is extra needy this week. He has not received the attention he normally does and he wants to constantly be held. I think this potty training is hard on all of us.
I have seen some very encouraging things this week too. I hear a lot more "okay" and "that's a good idea" from Isaac than I ever used to. I'm hoping it's a trend that continues. Maybe he's moving out of the "terrible twos" with all the "No's" and into a more agreeable phase. A mom can hope right?
He still has plenty of sass though. He told me tonight that he didn't want to have me help him with bedtime routine because I wasn't his "best friend." I was his "mad friend" because I make him have an early bedtime. He wanted daddy to do it because daddy was his 'best friend." PS...he was already an hour PAST bedtime due to our ward party. IT certainly wasn't and "early bedtime." Mad friend indeed! Silly boy. I'll probably always be his "mad friend" since I have to enforce rules and discipline all day long.