Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Halloween Happenings

We had a really fun Halloween this year.  Isaac was super into it and super excited about everything.  He ran crazy at all of our Halloween festivities.

We started out painting/carving pumpkins.  Isaac loved the painting part of his pumpkin.  He would have painted all night and covered that thing until it was all mixed up brown painted pumpkin.  I convinced him it would be best to let some color show.  I think I started the persuasive arguments when he wanted to bust out orange paint for his orange pumpkin.


He also got in on the cleaning out of the pumpkin Jacob and I carved.  He didn't like the touch of it on his hands but was fine using the spoon.

And while we were having pumpkin fun, this little pumpkin was having fun climbing on and off the booster seat on the floor.

Jacob built a tent in Isaac's room one night and decided to let him sleep in it.  Can you spot him in there?

There he is.  Too bad he woke up in the middle of the night freaked out.  Jacob was good to settle him on down and get him back to sleep.

We went to our ward trunk or treat activity.  I had to be there a little early to set up the Relief Society sponsored cupcake walk.  The boys didn't mind.  They found a ball.  And apparently Ben did not want to be parted from it.

See him eying it.  I tried so hard to get a good shot of these two in their hats.  Not happening.  And Isaac ditched his tool belt, tools, and hat early in the evening.  I'm pretty sure the vest didn't last either.

Here's an awesome picture of Isaac sporting the teeth he scored at the trunk or treat the night before.  I thought it was so funny seeing him in them and trying to get them in his mouth.  So funny.

And then we were getting ready for the actually trick or treating event.  It was pretty chilly but pretty nice weather over all.  And Isaac's costume still looked cute over his coat.  Though, again, I think he ultimately ditched the tools and belt.

Ben looked pretty cute in the way too big overalls and hat.  But he mostly wouldn't keep the hat on at all.  Can't blame him.

Isaac LOVED trick or treating.  I was surprised with how much stamina he had for it.  He was perfectly polite at all the doors and charmed all the neighbors.  Ben sat in the stroller for part of the journey and then I dropped him at our door to stay with Jacob while Isaac and I finished up.  And now we are all enjoying the candy Isaac got for the family.  :)

Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween too!


MaryAnn said...

Two very cute construction workers you have there!

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

You got some great pictures with both boys wearing the hats! Yes, we all enjoy the collective candy. When I was little I hoarded my stash. But our kids just pool it all together and don't mind if I keep control of it for movie nights or after dinner. I don't know why they're so good when I was such a candy freak! But I'm not complaining. They do have a secret small stash of treats in their room and I love it on the rare occasion when their hearts are so full of love for me that they share a stale piece of candy with me from their private stash. I have no idea what a cupcake walk is--I'll have to look that up. Glad it was a fun holiday for you!