This little cutie is now 3, as he is clearly letting you know. And, he's a handsome three year old if I do say so myself.
His Birthday landed on a Sunday this year so we went to Sacrament meeting (he was still having a bit of a cough and runny nose so we skipped nursery), came home and had some fun family time.
I made him a train cake the day before. For future reference, don't use mint cookies as wheels on things unless you want everything to taste minty! I should have known better.
Trying to get a good shot of this kiddo is impossible. He doesn't want to look at the camera at all and if you try acting silly to get his attention he just copies what you do. Awesome.
And some more present opening. We kind of strung it out all day long. He first got to open this gift from Grandma and Grandpa Carter, money and a BYU t-shirt.
And then he paused to get some construction work done. And I just thought he was too cute in his church clothes and construction gear.
He played trains for a good chunk of the afternoon. It was great.
The red truck on the floor is the gift from Grandma and Grandpa Brunson. It's a truck just like Grandpa's! And Isaac loves it.
It was a good 3rd Birthday for sure. It was a lot of fun with how excited Isaac was about everything. He loved the decorations and the cake and the presents especially. He said some really great things all day long. Like "Mom, since it's my Birthday can we put up the Christmas tree?" I wish I could remember all the super cute moments but I can't.
What I can tell you is that we love Isaac! We are so glad he joined our family. He is a bundle of energy and sometimes causes some frustration but he is really a joy. He says funny, smart things all the time. He is usually kind and polite. He is excited for "school" and for his "work." He wants to be big so badly. I've tried telling him he doesn't have school until he is nearly 6 years old. That might feel like an eternity for this boy. His "work" is usually playing or building things but he has seen his dad's card that he swipes to get into his office after hours and so Isaac will take whatever random card he can find and swipe it in front of our door to let him in. It's awesome. We recently talked about testimonies in family home evening one day and ever since he has wanted to "practice" his testimony. I guess it's a good thing he is practicing at home because he is certainly still learning what makes a testimony. We get a lot of "I know my toys are good" kinds of comments. It's still pretty cute though. I love his personality.
Happy Birthday Isaac!
Happy Birthday to Isaac! I love his train cake. And I love his blue tongue after he ate the train cake. What a cutie!
Happy Birthday, Isaac! I can't believe he's three years old and I've never seen him in person :( We need to come visit. He sure is adorable in picture...
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