Monday, February 23, 2015

Funny stuff

So, there are some things I've been wanting to document, mostly just for me, but wasn't yet ready to share things publicly.  I guess I just decided that not enough people read this blog to make it "public" so it's probably safe to use it more as a journal.

Jacob and I are excited to be having another baby!  I am due at the end of July and should find out in a couple of weeks if this baby is a girl or a boy.  I'm hoping for a girl but lately have been thinking it's a boy.

One of the things I was most looking forward to was telling Isaac and Ben we were going to have another baby in our family.  I figured Isaac would be really excited and Ben would mimic that for a few minutes but not really know what was going on.  I was pretty right.

Jacob got it all on video but I can't stand watching me in it so you don't get to see it.  You just get to know that it took Isaac a few minutes to realize what we had said and then he clapped his hands to his face and said excitedly "We have to get ready!"  He had some questions (and has continued to have questions..."How did the baby get in my belly?",  "How does the baby get out of my belly?",  and "When will the baby get here?") and just bounced around for the next few minutes so excited about it all.  We let him call Grandma Brunson and tell her - though she already knew- and he loved that.  He started talking to my belly and says things like "Hi baby.  How is your day going?" and "Are you a girl baby or a boy baby?"  And then he answers for the baby.  It's pretty cute.  He's actually been pretty good about only telling a few people that we are having a baby.  No big announcement in sharing time or anything, yet.  The day after telling the boys about the baby Isaac pulled out all the baby blankets I had stored in his closet.  He told me we needed to go through everything to get ready.  We made Isaac a calendar to help him understand that we have A LONG time before any baby will be here.

Ben was excited and said "baby" a couple of times and that was about it.  About what I expected.

I've reached that terribly awkward phase where I have outgrown my regular clothes but don't quite fit into full on maternity wear.  So, sometimes I wear the maternity pants just to be more comfortable.  Isaac saw the tops of those pants on me one day and wondered what it was all about.  I explained that the pants were stretchy to make room for the baby as it grows in my belly.  The next day I was wearing just some regular  stretchy pants.  Isaac noticed they weren't maternity pants and asked, "Mom, why aren't you wearing your baby proof pants."  I about proof.  Awesome.

It's been fun to see Isaac so excited about it all and to help Ben try and understand it all.  I am ready to know if this babe is a boy or girl though.

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