Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Note Card Lists

I am learning more and more about why Jacob is a good fit for me and I think I discovered one of those reasons this weekend.

He and I were discussing things we could do last Thursday night and we came up with a list of about 20 things. He then indulged me in my favorite elimination game. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I got to his apartment that night and he was prepare to turn our list of possibilities into a more permanent sort of game.

We created a stack of note cards, each with one activity we would like to do written on it. The goal was to get through as many of the cards as possible this past weekend.

Sadly, Jacob's car died and that put a little bit of a damper on the note card fun. But, I am pleased to report that we were able to accomplish many of the things on our list. And we intend to continue adding to the list. Top on the list is a trip to Boulder. And I'm looking forward to taking that soon. But, before I jump ahead of myself, I would like to highlight some of the fun things we accomplished this weekend.

1. We made excellent mint cookies and cream ice cream (and learned that peppermint extract can go bad).

2. We also made really tasty mint chocolate chewy cookies that were pretty amazing.

3. We made super pizza and delicious tortilla surprise casserole.

4. We spent some time at Sam's club taking advantage of the shopping before Jacob drops his membership.

5. We tried Smashburgers. It was one tasty hamburger!

6. We tried to do a little fabric shopping and discovered Hancock Fabric is out of business.

7. We watched the newest X-files movie. (Watch out for it. It is so not good. Laughable really. The chemistry between Mulder and Scully was lacking, and the dialogue between the two of them was atrocious.)

8. I beat Jacob at RISK. (I employed Scott's strategy of holding Australia. Worked like a dream!)

9. Jacob soundly beat me at SkipBo...twice.

10. We began a study of an institute manual that will continue every Sunday. I'm excited about that.

11. We walked through a house for sale that had a pretty fun layout.

And, though it wasn't on the list, Jacob managed to fix his car. I was pretty impressed. And I learned a little about ignition coils myself.

I think it's pretty evident that my weekend was well spent. I also think it's pretty evident that I like to eat...good thing Jacob also enjoys cooking! Just one more reason we work well together.


Megan Campbell Carter said...

John better read this, he thought any X-File fan would like the movie. I wasn't a fan, but it was awful. The note card thing is a good way to keep organized with what you want to do...we should try that.

Strupp Family said...

Ah--good times. I'm telling you, the THINGS you can do when you don't need to drag 4 kids along! What fun! You should post the things you do more often...I'm still living vicariously through you. (And don't get me wrong, I LOVE dragging four kids along on any adventures...)

MaryAnn said...

Holding Australia - always a good plan! Sounds like a fun and busy weekend.

jacob said...

And that institute manual is a pretty good read. Helpful in gospel conversations with co-workers as well.

I also think that it is funny that half of the things you listed, weren't actually on the note cards and half the things that were on the note cards didn't make your list. But at least you listed (some of) the most exciting things that we did.

The Smiths said...

Sand, you are awesome! I love the list/notecard idea. AND I love that you made yummy food. :) You should post more of those recipes!

Is Jacob still looking for a house or was the walk through just for fun??

scott said...

i don't think I can take credit for the hold Australia strategy, I am pretty sure thete is Shannon's invention, at least for our family. I stole it because it usually seems to work

Lynda/Mom said...

There's a lot to be said for a good fit, and there's a lot to be said for being organized. I'm looking forward to the next installment. Aung Lynda

Grammyzanne said...

Fun activities - and lots of good food. I'm not sure which tempts me the most - the mint chocolate chewy cookies ro the tortilla surprise casserole -both sound pretty good.

Austin's Mommy said...

Ah, a fellow list maker! That makes you two a good fit in and of itself. I too love lists. You sure fit a lot into your weekend! Even with all my lists I don't have that talent