Monday, October 18, 2010

The Baby's Room

Okay, I can't get these photos in the order I really want them. So, you will get the details of some things before you get the whole picture. Too bad.

This wall with the bassinet will eventually have the crib and some more art or something above it. I have my plans. But I'm not going to implement them until I get a crib.

I was supposed to have room to put some vinyl lettering that said "blast off!" after this little countdown. But clearly there isn't room under the frames. So for now I'm just trying to teach our son to count backwards...or something. If you have suggestions let me know.


Desirae said...

What if you put "Blast Off!" to the right of the numbers instead... around the corner?

Sarah and AJ said...

Maybe you could have a vertical blastoff up the side of the closet???

It looks cute, and I really like the space theme. I'm so excited for you! Hope you aren't feeling totally miserable waiting this last bit out.

Lilit said...

I LOVE that baby room! well done! Love the color, the decor, the shelves, the curtains THE EVERYTHING!!!!

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

I love the colors and the art. Very good job sis. Cute.

Emily said...

Lovely job! Did you make the planet and space ship art?

Mary Ann said...

It looks fabulous! Wanna come finish painting our baby's room? Yeah, I didn't think so. I'm very impressed with your art and sewing as well. The only thing missing is an adorable baby boy...

Robinson Family said...

What a cute baby room. That's nice enough to use as a boy room later, when the crib is gone. I can't wait to see this little guy! Good luck in the next couple of weeks.