1. He can now roll from both stomach to back and back to stomach. The back to stomach roll is new and I discovered it when he was supposed to be napping but was mostly playing and crying all afternoon in his crib instead.
3. He has two teeth. The second one just broke through a couple days ago. Hopefully we will have a little reprieve from the teething and all get some much needed rest. We'll see...
4. He laughs when tickled. Though sometimes I'm not sure if he wants to laugh or wants to cry. I don't think he really likes it. And frankly, who does?
5. He is reaching out for EVERYTHING now. It used to be that I could hold him on my lap while eating dinner or whatever. Those days are over. He reaches for my utensils, glass, plate and anything else that comes within grabbing range.
6. He is beginning to understand games. He doesn't really play "peek-a-boo" yet but was laughing the other day when I would hold a blanket up and then drop it. It was adorable.
7. I'm not sure this really counts as a developmental milestone, and truthfully, he's been doing it since he was about 4.5 months old, but he sucks his thumb. It's nothing consistent, but sporadically he will go to town on it. I sometimes am grateful he hasn't figured out the full potential of his thumb sucking and sometimes I am sad he can't be more consistent in using it to productive ends like helping him fall asleep. It's pretty cute though. I'll have to try and catch a picture of it...
8. Also maybe not a developmental milestone but something that I really love: reading books is becoming way more fun. He definitely has a favorite and will smile and make noises while reading it. It's a mirror book and it's pretty cute so I don't mind reading it over and over again. He also loves reaching for the pages.
9. And totally not a milestone but a bonus something I love and want to remember. Some of my favorite moments in the day are when he falls asleep after eating. His face is so cute with his lips all puckered out and his cheeks all rosy red. I should take a picture of this too...(I kind of stink at taking pictures of him I guess).
Jacob and I are both enjoying him a lot more as he becomes more interactive. He is so fun and it is amazing watching him learn new things every day.
He is also getting bigger, weighing in at about 15 lbs and 13 oz fully clothed.
So there you go...the official 5 month update.
Wow - 5 months already! That seems to have gone fast. He sure is a cutie! I love exasaucers - all of my babies have loved being in them and it makes your life so much easier!
He's adorable! And huge! I love that he has only one sock on in a couple of the pictures. Funny!
Yeah! I like reading the updates. It reminds me that mine is going to be there before I know it. Fun reminder, plus he does have great eyes!
He just keeps getting cuter and cuter.
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