Can it really be? My baby is 6 months old?!
For those first few months when everyone said "Appreciate it while you can, they grow up so fast," I always thought "Yeah right. Time seems to be moving so slowly." But once we hit 3 months old there was a time warp and every day Isaac seems older and bigger. Both physically and developmentally.
I guess it's true. They do grow up fast.
But I also must admit that these past two months, and especially this past month, have been my favorite stage so far. As soon as those teeth came in my happy boy was back. He is seriously so fun! His smiles are killer and his laugh is even better. He is learning new things so quickly and has such a fun personality. Fun and challenging. There are some characteristics that I know are good and I will be grateful for later on, but right now it makes things interesting. Isaac is so independent...or wants to be. He is also stubborn and does things on his own time and in his own way no matter how consistent in a schedule I try to be. He is so curious and busy. He wants to touch and explore everything in sight. He certainly won't sit still on your lap...not when he can stand, turn circles, and then squirm his way off your lap all together. Such a busy boy! I also get so many compliments on what a happy baby he is. He gives out the smiles pretty readily. And I am lovin' it. Is it vain to like all the compliments on how cute and happy he is? Because I kinda love when random people tell me how cute he is.
This has also been a busy month in learning and trying new things. Isaac has had rice cereal a few times (despite my doctor wanting us to wait until after his six month visit in a week) and he loves it! He tries real hard to feed himself. He grabbed the spoon pretty much as soon as he realized what was going on.
But mostly he enjoys sucking on the tags of all his toys. He is a weirdy. But an adorable one at that.
Happy Six Months Mr. Magoo!