Monday, May 23, 2011

Isaac and His Parents

Sunday was perfect picture taking weather. And so we did. I mentioned before wanting more pictures with Isaac and I. I think I have a few now. :) And I love them.

We also included Daddy in the photo taking fun. Isaac sure loves his dad!
The feeling is mutual.

I'm pretty sure I love both of these boys!

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Emily said...

I LOVE these!!

Mary Ann said...

Cute pics! I really need to do the same thing. We have very few pics of Hannah and me. And I don't care what Jacob says--I think Isaac looks very much like him.

Lynda/Mom said...

Glad you had a lovely day to take photos and otherwise. Cute kid; cute parents--well, maybe cute isn't the right word for parents, but you got some great pictures. Aunt Lynda

Nicole said...

Super cute pics! And might I say that you are looking great! You'll totally have to frame some of these.

Oh, and that is just about the greenest lawn ever! Love spring green!

Dani said...

Adorable pictures! I always forget we need more pictures of us with the kids. Smart thinking. You have such a cute family!