Thursday, June 30, 2011

8 Months Grown

This Brunson family recently returned from a trip to Oregon (more on that later, I hope) with a brand new 8 month old! My how he has grown. We took the opportunity while there to have Jacob's mom use her nice camera to take some photos of our little family (more photos later, maybe). Here are some winners of Isaac that are maybe mostly taken by Jacob.

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At 8 months old Isaac is a crawling machine and also loves to eat. He mostly loves his finger foods, drinking from a real glass with a little help from his mom, and of course eating things he shouldn't (dirt, paper, leaves, grass, and numerous other hazards we've had to fish out of his little mouth). He is less good at sleeping, still.

We think he's pretty great and obviously adorable...


MaryAnn said...

He is looking so big! I can't believe how much he has grown up. He sure is a cutie!

Mary Ann said...

Great pics! He is adorable! I really can't believe how old he looks! I want to hear more about your trip to Oregon. How did Isaac do?

Emily said...

Ooh! LOVE these pictures!! When we learned the c finger sweep in high school, I had no idea I'd actually use it so much!

Nicole said...

Such sweet pictures! And what a crawling pro! Just saw that video! I wish I knew what to tell you about the standing/falling stuff...I'd just say...he'll learn? Not fun to see those bruises though. And biting the crib, oh man. Pru never did this, but I've had friends who have. Uck, I have a really nice wooden crib and I think that would really upset me...really really upset me. The protector sounds like a good option though. Hope all those things have gotten better for you!