Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Little Happenings

There is not much going on at our house lately.  We are pretty low key.

Just watching a cute babe get bigger.

Enjoying our time with said babe.  Man they grow too fast!  

Brothers showing some love (at least Isaac is good to Ben some of the time...)

Being "Bob the Builder."  I'm pretty sure Jacob and I like the block set Isaac got for Christmas just as much or more than Isaac does.  We are usually the builders and Isaac is the wrecker.
Evidence of the rapid growth...3-6 month clothing fits.

Ben wore red for Valentine's day.

Isaac wore a red bib for breakfast at least.  

More cuddle time.

And then Isaac wanted to "sleep" with Dad and Ben too. Love the forced closed eyes all squinty-like.

And Ben loves his new place to chill.  I love it because I can raise the high chair enough that Isaac can do no damage.  Ben loves being on our level and chatting away with us.  He smiled instantly when I first put him in this chair.  And then chatted us up.  Now he maybe likes it a little less since the novelty has worn off.  But it's still working for when I cook dinner or whatever.

And that's really about it folks.  We are pretty boring these days.


MaryAnn said...

At least you have a cute baby to post pictures of. We are equally as boring (if not more so) and have no cute baby. Love seeing the pictures of both your little guys!

Jason&Shannon said...

Oh...having a baby in the house is never boring. Just ask my kids, they think babies are SOOOO interesting! I love the picture of Isaac and Ben holding hands and Ben looking at his older brother. Especially after our last conversation, it is nice to know Isaac is a nice boy at heart!!

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

It's a must to have a place where they can be content and close by, so I'm glad the chair is working for you now. They do grow fast--especially these tall babies. Gotta enjoy them in those favorite outfits while you can!

Mary Ann said...

I don't think having a newborn to snuggle is boring. It's a nice reason to slow life down. But I'm sure you're still plenty busy--just a more low-key kind of busy. Your boys are adorable!