I suppose most kids are funny...but lately Isaac has been killing me. Both with the things he says and his dramatics.
Lately I've been letting him pick out his own clothes, except Sunday. Some days he does just fine and some days not so much. And 9 days out of 10 he chooses pajamas. Here's an example of one of his wonderful ensembles:
We recently had root beer floats for FHE dessert. Jacob accidentally spilled his and Isaac erupted in tears. Like total and complete melt down kinds of tears. He finally stopped crying and then realized he had spilled some ice cream on his shorts. Again, melt down city. I cleaned up the ice cream and encouraged him to be a happy boy if he wanted to finish his dessert. He then started laughing, and ate the rest of his root beer. Silly boy. Jacob and I were trying very hard not to laugh at his drama.
And now for some of the funny things Isaac says:
He calls sneezes "bless yous." For example, "Mom I just bless youed on Benjamin" or "Dad, your bless yous scared me."
He has learned the word pretend. He says it "tendtend" and I think it's adorable.
He also has many expletives and uses them often. "Awesome!" "That's Amazing!" But when he says them it is very drawn out. Aweeeeesome! Ahhhhhhhhmazing! = CUTE
Jacob and I were watching the tv series Eureka. I had picked up the next season from the library and took the dvd out of a bag. Isaac asked what it was. I told him it was Eureka. His response: "Ooohhh, I like myreka."
He recently learned the word diagonal. I'm not even sure if I can describe or spell how he says it. Nope, can't even do it. I'll have to get a video. It's very nasally and repeats the middle section of the word several times. Very funny.
After prayer one nigh Isaac looked at Jacob who had his eyebrows raised making his forehead wrinkle up quite a bit. Isaac said "Daddy's forehead has stripes."
Isaac was playing on his dump truck and apparently stood up in it and tried to ride in it that way. Not safe in the least. He fell and was crying. I was upstairs and Jacob was down with Isaac. When I got down stairs I asked Isaac if he had crashed and burned. He looked at me and seemed even more upset and then said emphatically "I didn't burn" and began crying again. So literal. Just crashed, no burn.
I sent Isaac to his room for a time out and when I went to get him a few minutes later his hair was wet. I asked him why his hair was wet and he said he was cleaning it. I asked with what and he said he had cleaned it with his spit. Jacob referred to it as "cat style." Awesome and gross.
This is a super old photo of (from December or something) but I thought this napping position was awesome because he pulls the mattress off to sleep on the box springs...crazy kid.
So funny! I was laughing out loud at some of those...you should move to utah. :)
The one that had me laughing out loud was cleaning his hair with spit! Yuck! So funny. Love that boy!
Hilarious! I especially loved the cleaning the hair with spit incident. :) Gotta love the 2-year-old drama. Isaac and Hannah will have to form a drama club together or something. :)
Truly cute and funny. Love that you had a chance to write this stuff down. What an "awesome" and "amazing" personality you are mothering. I had to show my kids some of these things because they are so cute.
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