Tuesday, July 16, 2013

7 Months

While we were in Utah Ben turned 7 months old.  So, when we got home an official photo shoot was in order.  Have I mentioned how these little sessions are getting increasingly difficult?  Wow.  He is busy and mobile!

He's still our happy little guy.  Everyone comments on how happy he is.  We took him to the eye doctor for the free infant see program.  They do a quick screen to make sure everything is on track.  Her question was "Is he always this happy?"  We get that a lot.  And the answer: usually, yes.

He has been making more of these types of faces lately.  With his top teeth mostly in he is constantly grinding and feeling them with his tongue.  

He had a couple of rough nights teething when we got home where he was up a ton at night but he has settled in again.  He is still a much earlier riser than I would like.  I'm happy if he makes it all the way to 6 am and lucky if it's anything beyond that.

I love this picture!
Ben is a curious little boy.  He climbs and crawls and pulls up and explores everything!  He loves to do whatever Isaac is doing, much to Isaac's chagrin.  I think Ben thinks he is 2 already.  Slow down son, enjoy your babyhood!

I love Ben's laugh.  And he laughs a lot.  He has a good sense of humor.  There are a few things that will always get a laugh and then there are the things that he finds funny that I never would have guessed.  His giggle is adorable.

He is big to me.  I'm not sure how much he weighs but to me it seems like a lot.  He certainly eats a lot.  Mostly formula.  He's kind of hit and miss with solids and really refuses the cereals these days.  He cries if I try and feed it to him.  He does seem to like most everything else though.  And I can sometimes get away with adding cereal to the fruit or veggies.  I gave him puffs and he plays with them without ever trying to put them in his mouth.  I put them in his mouth and he mostly spits them out and sometimes gags on them.  He does chew at them though.  I guess he's not quite ready for them yet.

I love his blue eyes and blond hair.  But, I'm afraid the blue eyes are fading.  I could be wrong but they seem a little more on the brownish side of things lately.  I hope I'm wrong.  I'd love for him to keep the blue.

We sure love Ben and the happiness he brings to our home.  He is easy going and good natured, so much the opposite of me.  And I couldn't love him more!

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Ben is definitely a cute, happy baby. It sure was fun to meet him and to see the rest of you!