I love hearing what people are talking about and it seems that all the people around us were discussing the Olympics. I think the best were the two grown men in front of us discussing the Chinese women (or girl) gymnasts. There was much debate, heated at times, amongst these men about if the little girls should be allowed to have their medals or if they should be taken away as a result of the "under 16 years of age" scandal. It was great. And apparently the folks that were behind Jake and I think Michael Phelps should really skip this next year of school as he is more likely to make a lot of money in promotions and such than any other year. They also maintain that he should be the next spokesman for IPod since it was such a big part of his pre-race routine.
And don't even get me started on all the craziness that ensues when sports fans become intoxicated. There were a group of dudes, yes they were dudes, near us who were heckling one of the other team members. The next time this specific player was at bat he hit a home run. A different drunk guy turned around and in a very serious manner yelled "Now look what you've done" to the other drunk group of dudes. Good, good times. Also...the man selling the beer. WOW...words cannot describe the level of weirdness there.
But my favorite part of the whole game experience were the peanuts, Cracker Jacks, and yes...the Teddy Grahams.
Sand, it would be fun to eavesdrop with you! I have a burning question: Do you really love Teddy Grahams, or is this just an inside joke? Or is it both? Because I LOVE Teddy Grahams. I send Curtis to the expensive ex-pat grocery store telling him that "oops!" we're out of Ellis's favorite treat. But it is really me who sneaks the handfuls of Teddy Grahams from the snack cupboard after bedtime. Cinammon is my fave. Then chocolate. With peanut butter. Spread on an Asian pear...
Sounds like fun with the dudes--I used to live in Colorado and beer reigned supreme!! By the way, who is Jake?
Amanda- The Teddy Graham love is absolutely real. And I prefer the honey, then cinnamon.
Um, why isn't Jacob your favorite part of the game? And by the way, I wondered if Michael Phelps already had a deal with ipod cause he was always wearing those ear buds. I think they will offer him some kind of deal if they haven't yet.
So, sporting events are ALWAYS a good time! "And then the red guy gets it. He's running and running, Oh, he fell down. Then the white guy gets it. . ."
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