Saturday, August 16, 2008


As I woke up this morning I found myself reflecting on a few things that happened last night. This may turn out to be really disjointed but in my mind all these things make sense.

I was thinking of the significance of timing. Partly because of the AMAZING 100 M butterfly race swam by Michael Phelps, winning by .01 second; partly because of a discussion in institute; and partly because of a discussion with Jacob.

In institute we were discussing the Pearl of Great Price and this quote by Neal A. Maxwell really stood out to me.

“God does not live in the
dimension of time as do we. We are not only hampered
by our finiteness (experiential and intellectual), but also
by being in the dimension of time. Moreover, God, since
‘all things are present’ with him, is not simply predicting
based solely on the past. In ways that are not clear to us,
he sees rather than foresees the future, because all things
are at once present before him” (Things As They Really Are
[1978], 29; see also Alma 40:8; D&C 130:4–7).

I wonder how much I limit myself and limit my faith in what the Lord can accomplish through and in me based on my finiteness, especially experientially. God doesn't make predictions based solely on the past, yet I so often do. I reason things in my life won't happen or can't happen because I have a terrible track record or significant lack of history. How silly of me! How faithless really.

And I am grateful for experiences I have that prove me wrong. Experiences that prove the Lord does know me better than I know myself and that His timing is the best timing. I need to trust when He promises something that it will happen because He can see it when I can't.


Barbara said...

You are so right on, Sandy. I can tell you from many more years experience that what you have expressed is so true. Trust the Lord, trust His promises, and believe that things can and will happen as they need to. It isn't easy, but it is so right!! Way to go. Love you.

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

Curt and I were just talking about similar ideas--how things like the rising of the sun and cycles of the moon that mark time for us and so often stress us out are perhaps actually meant to be a gift for us to help us reflect and restart and go forward in faith.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this. They are enriching. So good to hear from you.

Lynda/Mom said...

I had to think about this a lot because I have always thought about it a lot and don't understand how time and sequence would not exist--beyond my comprehension completely!! I just get dizzy thinking about it, and yet I torture myself with trying. I don't really understand any of it, but I do believe it is true and think you have captured the essense of what we can comprehend with our finite minds and locked in mortality. Keep thinking! Aunt Lynda