I guess I just wanted to provide a quick report on my short trip home for Christmas. I would have to say that I have only three regrets (or downsides) about the whole thing.
1. I regret not having more time to spend in Utah. I was sad when I was saying goodbye to my nephew Matt and letting him know I wouldn't see him again for awhile and his response was "what about New Years?" And it's true. I have not been away from my family for any New Years. This year will be weird. And along these same lines of regret, I regret that the time I had with Jacob and my family was so short.
2. Delayed flights are most definitely a downside. Not that there is anything I could do about it, but it stunk just the same.
3. I regret not having time to see more of my friends.
I also have several highlights...
1. The famous, and formerly exclusive, Carter talent show.
2. Homemade Christmas gifts, including slippers.
3. Games, games, and more games!
4. Food, food, and more food!
And...here are some pictures. It turns out I didn't take all that many photos. So, if you are interested in more incriminating photos you should check out my dad's blog.
Megan and Lauren loved the snow. Josh, Matt and Megan made a snow man on Christmas day.
It was the year of homemade gifts...and Scott and Mary Ann made these lovely, and comfy slippers for me.
Don't mess with D.