Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sleeping Babies - An Update

Isaac has done a little better today with the sleeping so I thought I would share some adorable photos. The first few are from a few days ago when he was still sleeping his naps in our bedroom in his inclined sleep chair.

Seriously, does it get any better than that?

I think not.


Emily said...

He is TOO cute!!

Mary Ann said...

Stinkin' adorable!

Grammyzanne said...

Nope. (But really it does in about 22 years in a sealing room.)

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

Jason always loved the sleeping babies best of all. They are pretty angelic looking. Wow, that is one bald baby you have now! Looks like one of my own shiny head cuties!

MaryAnn said...

Very cute!

Nicole said...

Just read the really losing it post. I totally feel for you. It's super hard being a parent and hearing your kid cry and not knowing how to stop it without inhibiting them from moving on! Glad to see these sweet sleeping pictures. When they are asleep there really is nothing sweeter, even when they get bigger. I still sneak a peak in at Pru when she is napping at 2 year old.

I hope thing start to get better for you and isaac very soon! You are definitely not a bad parent and the fact that you feel like one shows that. If you didn't feel bad then I would question it. ;)

Good luck!

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

I still enjoy peeking at my kids sleeping, and I have a 10 year old!

Lynda/Mom said...

Adorable, Sandy. Hang in there; it does get better (and worse!) Aunt Lynda