Monday, April 30, 2012

Turning the Soil

Isaac could not get enough of helping in the garden.  We were turning the soil a couple Saturdays ago and I had to bust out the camera because he was so excited.  I also love that he has started rejecting his shoes while outside.  I know my whole childhood was spent shoeless.  I still really don't love shoes.  But Isaac will take his sandals off anytime he is in dirt or sand because he hates when the dirt gets in his sandals.  It was all fine and good until he stepped under the pine trees on all the dry pine needles.  That was less fun for him.

Also, if you are wondering about his awesome outfit, it was warm but I was lazy and didn't want to put sunscreen on so he had his jacket and hood on.  I'm worried about his head burning with his super short hair!  Eventually he rejected the jacket so I had to bust out the sunscreen and sun hat anyway.


Jacob also showed Isaac a worm.  He was tentative at first and then touched it and picked it up on his own. He played with it for a little while.  I'm just surprised he didn't try and eat it.  Gross.
So now we just need to get the plants in.  We've had such a mild spring that I think we might risk planting a little early this season.  I hope Isaac can refrain from pulling up the plants.  He was helping me weed out front today and kept pulling up plants.  Not sure how to teach an 18 month old what is weed and what is not. 
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Jason&Shannon said...

Awesome little helper you have there. I love his shoeless feet and good luck getting him to pull up only weeds!

MaryAnn said...

Very cute. Good luck with the garden!

Mary Ann said...

Cute pics! Funny about the worm. I thought that having a girl meant I was going to be able to avoid having a lover of gross things. But Hannah happily petted and grabbed our friend's little pet snake. Sick!