Saturday, August 2, 2008

Payment plans and porch swings

For those of you who knew me a couple of years ago you may remember my really winning "payment plan" for weight loss. It really worked well so I am looking to resurrect the idea as I have really let myself go. As you may also remember I'm pretty sure this plan's effectiveness would increase if I could find a financial backer. So for those of you who may not know anything about this plan let me explain. I have outlined specific goals around nutrition and health and pay myself for good behaviors while I lose money for less desirable behaviors. This plan's genius is that it also acts as a budget as I am not allowed to spend money on fun, unnecessary items unless I take it from the money accrued from the "healthy behaviors" pot. Brilliant, I know! However, like I said, this would be so much more effective if I wasn't paying if anyone is interested in supporting my desire to increase healthy habits, and hopefully slim down a bit, just let me know! I'm pretty sure as the financial backer you would derive satisfaction in knowing you were promoting someone's health and well-being. Think about it...

On a totally different note, I attended a housewarming party last night for my friend Nathan. He recently bought a really incredible home. When I first laid eyes on the place I offered to marry him just so I could live there, it's that nice. And did I mention he bought it fully furnished because it was the model home for the neighborhood. Not really the point, I was hanging out at this party I came to realize something about myself. I am relatively anti-social. Once I have established my good group of friends I don't really see a need to let more in. Nathan, on the other hand, has very different ideas. He had this party and told everyone to invite whomever they wanted. As a result people were showing up that had no connection to Nathan at all. It was so weird! And he loved it. I however, spent the majority of the night on the front porch swing with a few close friends. I can't even tell you the names of any of the random people that came in and out. I could have viewed this as an opportunity to meet new people, expand my horizons and what not. But no...I stayed right in my little comfort zone and felt pretty okay about it. Actually, I had a really good time on the porch swing with a few close friends.


Lynda/Mom said...

You're anti-social and Aunt Barbara is introverted. I,a true Gemini, am mercurial. I can be very outgoing and social, or I can be withdrawn and anti-social--just depends on what mood I'm in. In general, I have become more reserved as I have achieved old age. It is nice to hear from you. Aunt Lynda

Strupp Family said...

The payment plan is such a good idea. I would love to be your financial backer--except I have no money. I could pay you in compliments :)

I'm the same way as far as anti-social. I like to stay in my comfort zone. If I meet anyone new, if we don't hit it off right away, I'm not going out of my way to be friends. But in all honesty, I don't think I go out of my way even for people I do "hit it off with" You are great. I wish I lived close to you. Which reminds me, what do you think of Parker? (That's Parker, CO, I mean)

Anonymous said...

I am happy to go along with this plan with you...however I will have to finanically back myself...and even then The Boy takes most of the money.