Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Sting has been a little while since my last post and I was getting a little grief about it, primarily from Shannon, so this one is for her. And the rest of you who choose to sit through this read can blame her.

I have had a bit of a frustrating week at work. One of my main responsibilities is to evaluate and assess each client entering the program to determine treatment recommendations. The past two weeks have been so slow I have even been willing to file to keep busy. So you can imagine that I was sort of looking forward to this week because I had 8 new clients that all needed evaluations. They were all scheduled and my week was booked pretty solid. I was talking with a coworker about how busy I was going to be and that he probably wouldn't be seeing much of me this week as I was going to be cooped up in my office evaluating away. Turns out, instead of super busy, I sort of became the joke at the front desk. That's right, of all 8 appointments scheduled this week, 4 showed up. Sweet... This is especially interesting because a few weeks prior to this my supervisor was marveling at my amazing percentage of kept appointments. She was chalking it up to my mad skills of engaging clients very quickly in the short time I initially meet with them to set the eval appointments. Apparently I have lost my touch... And worst of all, this means next week probably will be crazy busy just as Diana comes for her short visit. Hope I can still swing some time off for hanging with her. Here's hoping!

On the plus side, my group went amazingly well this week with one fellow coming to the profound realization that he only stopped using substances because the system made him. You might think I am being sarcastic when I say that, but in actuality that is the most insight this guy has EVER achieved. And it is treatment gold. Game on. I do like my job!

And in other news, I got stung by a wasp or something tonight. I never actually saw the critter that got me but I sure felt it. Weird. I'm just glad it wasn't a spider. Because, Diana, "what would you do if I died?"


Strupp Family said...

I got stung by a wasp too! It was like two days ago. At least I think it was a wasp. A baby one. I won't tell you the whole story, but it was all black and looked like a little wasp. But I figured it couldn't be, because it was all black. So I mashed it with a wetwipe and it got me THROUGH the wetwipe. Stupid thing. Ok, I did tell you the whole story.

I think your work stories are so great. You are amazing. Plus, how can you engage them if you haven't even seen them yet? They have to show up to their first appointment so you can get them coming back, right?

Sandy Brunson said...

I do an initial intake with them and then meet for the lengthy evaluation process.

Stupid wasps!

MaryAnn said...

I like your work stories too. You should tell them more often.

John L. Carter said...

There's 30 seconds I won't get back. Thanks Shannon. Just kidding.

jared and mary 2 said...

Both times that I can remember being stung, it was at my accidental initiation. I was running through a field and ran right into a bee. Stung in the ankle. The other time I was on a swing and swung right into a bee. Stung on the forehead. I should just leave the bees alone.

D. said...

I'm glad I read that cause I would be really sad if you died. True story, even though I don't see you too often.