Monday, November 3, 2008

A Good Weekend

I had a really enjoyable weekend with my guests Tyler, Scott and Mary Ann. I guess I should really only call Mary Ann my guest since the boys were here for the BYU vs CSU football game. I was really just a place to crash. But, I suppose if I were forced to choose a highlight of the weekend I would have to choose the game too. It was a close game, way more close than it should have been, but it made it exciting. I haven't been to a football game in ages and I sort of forgot how much I enjoy watching it live. Especially with good company. I appreciate that Jacob is a little bit of a rambunctious fan. People that just sit there and don't cheer drive me a little bit crazy. Why pay the money if you aren't going to get into it and appreciate the atmosphere? I don't get it.

I think my favorite part of the game was walking through the CSU student section after the BYU victory. CSU fans are a little rowdy. It was pretty funny when a group of hecklers saw all of our BYU blue and changed their language from pretty crass to a more cleaned up vocabulary. I think they thought they were mocking us when they said stuff like "dang" and "shoot" instead of the actual words. Turns out the cleaned up language was just appreciated. Can't say I've ever been heckled like that before.

I also learned this weekend that I will NEVER again play CLUE with Tyler. There are a few games that I consider "my" game. CLUE is one of them. I don't lose. At least not very often. And I take it very seriously. Tyler did not. I know that is shocking, but it's true. And I lost. Scott won. It was a total fluke and it won't happen again! Bring it on Scotty!

So...I don't have any pictures to prove it was a good time but I do have some that I recently received from Jacob's sister. They were taken when she was out for a visit earlier this month. So, I'm going to attach them just because I'm told some people only look at the pictures and some of them are pretty fun.

You can't really tell, but I am in Sunday clothes. We just got out of church and the leaves were irresistible. We didn't have rakes so Rachel and I began kicking the leaves into a pile. It caught on and several others came out and joined us. I jumped in twice in my skirt and nylons. It was fun, but I don't recommend it. You can tell by the next picture it was slightly awkward, and the leaves stuck to my nylons, corduroy skirt, and sweater like crazy! Still a good time...

These were taken in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Jacob and his youngest sister, Rachel.


Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

Nice pictures, love the last one of you on a rock and the one of you in the leaves. Yeah, Katie still mostly hates her hair, but I may not give her the option to grow it out. I am with you and think it is dang cute. Glad you enjoyed your company. Miss you.

Lynda/Mom said...

Tyler said he had a fabulous time, and it was well worth the trip. He also gives thumbs up on Jacob as a great guy. I almost wish I could have been there, but then I wouldn't have been able to fit in. Hope to see you this holiday season. Aunt Lynda

Strupp Family said...

Fun, fun, fun! I want to jump in leaves! I don't know that I've done that in a long time. I do like the pictures, too. What did you think of Jacob's sister? Does he have a large family?

Barbara said...

Looks fun, Sandy :) Glad you're having good times with your family and friends :) See you at Thanksgiving.

MaryAnn said...

Clue, huh? Pretty funny stuff. Glad you had a good visit.

Dennis Carter said...

Hey Sandy! Cool pictures. I'm surprised you didn't fit right in with the CSU fans. After all, you're an alum. Talk about divided loyalties. I guess you need to go to Wyoming or Utah if you want to partake of the true anti BYU spirit. On the other hand, you better not. I know you have an affinity for F bombs!

Dennis Carter said...

By the way, how do you get the text to look so good with the pictures and the cute border around the pictures?

Sandy Brunson said...

Dad- I do not have an affinity for F-bombs. You are giving me a bad reputation! I don't know how I got the pictures or text to look good. It's the default setting. Sorry.