This is our new pet owl. It has taken up residence in our tree out back. We are pretty sure it is a Great Horn Owl of some variety. It stays there all day, leaves at night, and then is back the next morning. Can anyone who knows anything about owls please tell me if it is okay to have him living in our back yard. Also, what should we name our new pet?
And another "new" thing. Isaac has never experienced a bandaid before. Surprising, yes. Considering how many falls this kid has I'm shocked we've never had to whip one of these out before. But mostly his bleeding is in his mouth or other less bandaid friendly zones. He has one on now because he has a sliver under his nail that I can't get out. The nurse at my doctor's office told me to keep vaseline on his nail covered with a bandaid to help draw out the splinter. Ha! I can't keep a bandaid on him. And he won't let me near the finger either. He says "hurt" every time I try to get at it. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take him to the doctor to have her fish it out. The nurse told me if I couldn't get it they would have to so as to avoid infection. What a silly thing to have to see a doctor about.
Any suggestions on the pesky sliver?
Wow, that owl is staring you down. Is it really as close to you as it seems...probably you used a zoom feature. No ideas for the pesky sliver...good luck if he has to go to the doctor for that.
I find owls both fascinating and somewhat terrifying. Not sure why. Sorry I have no advice on the sliver. I would personally feel much more comfortable having a doctor take care of it. Good luck!
Cool, I want an owl, maybe not, it might eat Hannah. It is really a pretty looking bird.
No suggestions for your sliver, but I am loving your photo a day. I did it last year and took a photo everyday of the year. It was a lot of work and so I decided not to do it this year. But I just got my book I made with the photos, and I am regretting that decision - my kids love looking at it and it is such a great way to journal. Keep it up! And I am going to email you about getting together . . .
Maybe put antibiotic ointment on the sliver instead of vasoline? That is a tough one with a little kid. Could you get it out while he's asleep? Probably not! The owl is very cool. As long as you don't have any small pets around, he will probably be OK--just keep the small rodent population under control. If you had mice or rats or squirrels, etc. pestering you, they might just be gone now. Aunt Lynda
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