Saturday, February 18, 2012

Photo a Day: #17 and #18

Yeah, yeah. We all knew it would happen. I got behind a little. And actually I was just going to skip day 17 since I sort of hated the topic of time and when the evening rolled around and I still hadn't snapped a photo I was ready to give up.
But then I saw this beauty hangin' out this afternoon and thought it was a good representation of why I missed taking a photo in the first place. I am busy trying to get a quilt done for Sarah's new baby that is due to come at the end of this month. I'm doing free motion machine quilting on my machine for the first time. It's a bit of an adventure. I love the quilt though. I'm excited to get the binding on it and finish it up. I'll post a picture when it's complete.

We went to the Temple today and that trip also usually includes a stop at Costco. We were out of water bottles so we bought more. And I drank one on the car ride home. So did Isaac, sort of.
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Emily said...

Can't wait to see the whole quilt! Do you have any tips to share? I've never free motion quilted.

Jason&Shannon said...

That quilt is a beaut. I love the colors and the quilting. Nice work. I also love the artsy photo of drink. So, do you alternate watching Isaac while the other is doing a session, or what?

Mary Ann said...

When do you find time to make such fabulous quilts?! When Isaac is napping? Or when Jacob is home to help? Or when?

Desirae said...

What kind of sewing machine do you have? Is it more for quilting, or just a regular sewing machine?

Janel said...

From what I can tell, you're doing amazing on your free-motion quilting. Wow, that quilt looks amazing!