Sunday, September 27, 2009


Jacob asked me today after Sacrament meeting how long you have to be married before you are no longer considered "newlyweds."

I think he's ready to be an "old married man" and leave the "newlywed" title behind.

Or it could be something else...

So, when do you stop considering someone "newlywed?"


MaryAnn said...

I say after one year.

Grammyzanne said...

When you've eaten the top layer of your wedding cake?

Mo Daddy said...

somebody once told me that because you are married in the temple for eternities you are NEVER done being newlyweds. I don't mind that!


The Proctors said...

People still told Mike & I that we acted like newlyweds a good year and a 1/2 after we got married...but that isn't necessarily a bad thing...I think people in our ward considered us newlyweds until we announced that we were having a baby. Good luck with that. :)

Lynda/Mom said...

I say at least a year, if you're lucky. Then maybe you graduate to "young marrieds." Aunt Lynda

Mary Ann said...

I agree with one year, although you'll always be the newlyweds in the Carter fam (at least until Josh gets married).

Kelli said...

I thought it should be a year, but we were still called "newlyweds" for probably two years.

Megan Campbell Carter said...

For sure one year...because by then, you're sick of hearing it...we get it all the time still!!

Jason&Shannon said...

I disagree with the one year statements above. Maybe until your are about 2 or 3 years into it, or until you have a kid and then you become "New parents."

Laura Stringham said...

I'm on board with Shannon. One year does NOT make you not a newlywed... to the rest of the world.
I remember hating that when people asked us how long we'd been married I had to answer in months. I was jealous of people that were married for just weeks longer than we had been.

Merilee said...

I think you're going to be newlyweds until you have babies. I think of people as newlyweds until that happens. You know, family ties and all that being made.

scott said...

If you are newly weds until you have children Mary Ann and I may be newly weds for a long time! I guess newly wed status and desire or ability to have children are one in the same.