My day began with folding and putting away laundry. And I must be in a "spring cleaning" kind of mood because I started a donations box for unwanted items and went through all my clothes getting rid of things I don't wear anymore. And then, because I didn't get to it yesterday, I cleaned the remainder of my bedroom and bathroom. And boy did it need it!
After a quick shower, Jacob and I headed off for WalMart and Sprouts. I came across this blog through a friends blog and have caught a bit of a crafting bug. So I needed a little more supplies for a couple of projects I decided to make. WalMart was less effective for my supplies, but we still had some other necessities to pick up anyway.
I started my cork board project. It was my first mod podge experience. It was a success and I think I am going to quickly become a mod podge fan. Just as I was about to finish the picture frame, Aunt Carol came a knocking on our door, totally unexpected. It was a pleasant surprise and it was fun to show Aunt Carol and Uncle Jim the house. I am just glad I took the time yesterday to clean it up a little. :)
After our visitors left, I finished up the mod podge frame and started painting another frame for the crafty looking "white" board I was also planning to make. Jacob and I also enjoyed a good chat with his parents.
We then headed out the door for a Stake Chili Cook Off and evening of entertainment. Jacob was asked to be a chili judge and I was asked to help keep the food on the tables stocked so we had to get there a little early. I think Jacob had a good time judging the chili. The rules of judging were pretty intense. This was the real deal folks, pallet cleansing and all. Jacob and I did not enter any chili in the contest, and it was probably a good thing. Our chili didn't turn out as good as it usually does. It's not bad, but no prize winner to be sure.
We got home, made a quick stop to Target, and then I finished up the "white" board project. I added some hooks to the frame for keys and things. It's hanging right by the door to our garage and I thought it might be convenient. Especially since Jacob is always asking where he left his keys.
I'm now pretty tired. But very satisfied with my busy Saturday! Too bad my clean house is a little less than clean after the cooking and crafting. I suppose that's the way it goes though. The cleaning never ends. And that's okay.
I love your board! It looks great. :) I was just researching mod podge the other day b/c I've never used it. I have also caught the spring fever/spring cleaning/crafting bug!
I like the white board. Were Aunt Carol and Uncle Jim in Fort Collins for a reason or did they just stop by to see you?
Very cute white board. And handy. I've never caught a crafting bug in my life, and I'm sure I never will.
I always get all inspired to do a bunch of crafty things. Then I buy the stuff and they never happen. I guess it doesn't help that I'm completely inept when it comes to being creative.
I wish my Saturday had been as productive! But I rested up, as if I needed it. Saturday morning we had everything covered with frost--it looked so like fairyland. Maybe one of these day I'll be knocking on your door--glad you got to visit with Aunt Carol and Uncle Jim. Aunt Lynda
I like your board, though it's not really white. Aunt Carol and Uncle Jim called me to get your address :). Glad they found you.
Love your white board! You have me wanting to try something! mod podge is definitely fun.
Very Cute! I love Modge makes everything easier and the possibilities are endless.
Very cute Sandy! I am on a creative kick myself. Once I'm done I'll be posting some of my projects! Then hopefully I'll actually post pictures of our house. Lot's of people have been asking. Oh, and thanks for posting that blog too! Just another to add to my favorite blogs.
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